The film ACTIVIST won the Young Creative Award at the Deauville Green Awards 2022.

ACTIVIST - The movie

From Belgium to Slovenia, from civil disobedience to the European Parliament, citizens are committed to environmental justice.

ACTIVIST is a documentary series that follows the journey of 7 young people from the team Seeding for Future. Slovenia, Italy, Poland, Germany, Belgium: during 2 months, they met activists and initiatives committed to climate and social justice in Europe. From these discussions is born a 5-episode documentary series, illustrating the diversity of ideas, strategies and possible commitments, in order to create a more fair and environmentally friendly world.

From civil disobedience to the European Parliament, these activists are shaping new ways of coexisting. A dose of inspiration to join this movement of commitment that brings people together beyond borders.


  • Transportation only by rail during filming (except hitchhiking, ferry and urban transport).
  • Film studio using recycled materials and reconditioned equipment.
  • Vegetarian dishes and food recovery for the whole team.

Diversity and complementary of actions

How to deal with the eco-social crisis? ACTIVIST shows us the importance of the diversity and the complementarity of strategies in resistance, transformation and the creation of the world of tomorrow.

Joy and care in activism

Eco-terrorists or eco-saviors? By demystifying forms of activism often misportrayed by the media, this film enlightens us on the importance of joy and care in committed collectives.

Inspire and empower

Activism, a utopia?
Through creative and accessible actions, ACTIVIST inspires us to use our talents, knowledge and privileges in the service of the environmental movement.
Your contribution matters!

Organize a screening

Bring engagement to your community!

ACTIVIST is a powerful movie to bring positive change and foster engagement around you, demonstrating how people with very diverse backgrounds and capacities can contribute to social and climate justice. A shot of inspiration for your family, your company, your association or activist community, in Europe or beyond!

We offer screenings followed by impactful discussions led by our team. Download our screening kit for details, and fill out our contact form to share your ideas – let’s collaborate!

Next Screenings

Support us

ACTIVIST was  eco-directed  in a volunteering basis ! Help us by donating to our initiative, and make the movie seen and broadcasted !

A few extracts - our treasures

"We have to realise that there is so much potential if we cooperate."

Tina Trdin
"That's why I also think that our fight needs to be connected, not only in our own country, but also by supporting other countries. I think the most important thing is to be active.”

Jasa Jenull
“I feel like if we act with joy and with love, we can accomplish a lot more, we can understand each other more, and then we can achieve the better world we are looking for.”

“I think the most interesting thing happens when you combine the knowledge of scientists and the people who want to take action. I think every form of activism is necessary.”

Robert Gatzka
"We human beings are the only living beings to produce waste. [In nature,] everything is circular and we have to think about how we can make more circles to make our life more sustainable."

Werner Wiartalla
"There is a strong connection between the exploitation of bodies, territories, [women's labour], the exploitation of nature and its ability to reproduce, as if this were a free and infinite source. [...] It’s important to deconstruct this social construction because it is not natural or biological, it’s patriarchy."

Our team



and coproducer

Gwen is a musician, activist and filmmaker. He worked with OnEstPrêt, Extinction Rebellion and the United Nations. He directed the film of “COP2 étudiante” with Camille Etienne, impacting 316,000 French students.

In 2021, he founded RECutopia to integrate ecological practices into his productions.


Production manager

and event coordinator

Member of the team Seeding for Future at the origin of ACTIVIST in 2021, Tutur is a queer & climate activist, musician and facilitator.

Passionate about anthropology, theater of the oppressed, radical honesty and community living, they often travel to explore other ways of being together.


Graphic design

and communication

Activist with Extinction Rebellion, Clara joined the team early 2023 as a graphic designer and communication support.




Claire is an agronomist engineer specialized in human health and environmental policies, yoga teacher and engaged in youth and environmental organizations for 7 years. She co-founded the Climate Academy in Paris where ACTIVIST was screened for the first time in 2022.

She joined the film team at the beginning of 2023 to facilitate various film debates.




Laurelen has joined Seeding for Future in 2022, one year after the shooting of ACTIVIST.

Committed traveler and facilitator of workshops around ecological awareness & systemic oppressions, she joined the film team in 2023 to support with communication.

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